
The library's physics collection dates back to the late ninteenth century but expands in the early twentieth century. We now actively collect materials in all areas of physics, with a large number of print and online books and journals supplemented by other online resources.

Electronic Books

Recommended eBooks

  • CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics - online version in the library only, except for members of the ChemTK community, who have remote access when authenticated to the ChemTK network.

Print Books

Books about physics are on the fifth floor, shelves 5B 034-5C 039, call (location) numbers QC1-999.

SubjectShelfCall Number
Physics - general 5B034-094 QC1-75
Measurement, weights and measures 5B095-097 QC81-114
Descriptive and experimental mechanics 5B098-104 QC120-168.86
Solid state physics, composition of matter 5B105-132 QC170-197
Sound, light, heat 5B133 QC220-220.5
Acoustics, sound 5B134-139 QC221-246
Heat, thermal 5B140-149 QC251-338.5
Optics 5B150-164 QC350-467
Radiation, radiation physics 5B165 QC474-496.9
Electricity and magnetism 5B166-181 QC501-766
Nuclear physics, atomic energy, radioactivity 5C001-31 QC770-798
Geophysics, space physics 5C032-35 QC801-809
The magnetic field of the earth, geomagnetism 5C036 QC811-849
Meteorology, climatology 5C037-39 QC851-999

Recommended Books

Historical Books

  • Search items in our rare books collection published before 1920
  • Read reviews of selected historical titles (in Czech).

Online articles

Electronic Journals

A-Z list of physics eJournals

Open access journals in DOAJ

Print Journals

Alphabetical list

Recent issues of print journals in physics are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor, mostly on shelves 3D054-059.

List of current journal subscriptions

Reference resources

Other Electronic Resources.

Web pages

Featured: Physics@MIT OpenCourseware: Syllabi and multimedia course materials for undergraduates.

Your contact

Ibrahim Abou Khashabh

Ibrahim Abou Khashabh

Nothing is impossible under the sun


Computer Science, Computer Security and Cryptology, Mathematics, Physics, Programming Languages, LaTeX,

See also

Previous authors: Anna Keclíková, Stephanie Krueger.

Editor: Last modified: 11.2. 2019 09:02